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Prophylactic Radiation Therapy Versus Standard of Care for Patients With High-Risk Asymptomatic Bone Metastases: A Multicenter, Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial

This article was recommended by Dr. Carrascosa. The study is promising, but the number of patients is small. Another thing to consider is the use of a bone enhancing agent (only 50% of patients had it on both arms). The authors recommended larger trials, which may help add a sub-analysis to assess the role of bone enhancing agents.

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Phase II Randomized Study of Salvage Radiation Therapy Plus Enzalutamide or Placebo for High-Risk Prostate-Specific Antigen Recurrent Prostate Cancer After Radical Prostatectomy: The SALV-ENZA Trial

Although not a practice changing study, this study makes a few points that may be seen in future studies.  In the setting of biochem-recurrent prostate cancer after RP, novel anti-androgen agents may replace ADT in combination with salvage XRT as they appear to be active and less toxic than traditional ADT.   Low/Intermediate risk patients are likely of benefit with median PSA at accrual of 0.3 in this study, not unlike other similar studies.   The role of combination anti-hormone therapy + salvage radiation seems to be solidifying.

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