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Burden of chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression among patients with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer: A retrospective study from community oncology practices

FCS medical oncologist and hematologist Lowell L. Hart, MD, FACP was first-author a study with FCS co-authors President and Managing Physician Lucio N. Gordan, MD, Director of Pharmacy Operations Kristen Boykin, Senior Vice President & Data Officer Trevor Heritage, PhD, and (Retired) Vice President of Pharmacy Services Ray Bailey BPharm, RPh, that evaluated ES-SCLC patients with chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression over a seven-year period, from January 2013 through December 2020. Within this cohort, 98% of the patients experienced at least one myelosuppressive episode following chemotherapy treatment, leading to the need for supportive care, creating additional costs in health care management and time lost in treatment for ES-SCLC.

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