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Durvalumab Plus Carboplatin/Paclitaxel Followed by Maintenance Durvalumab With or Without Olaparib as First-Line Treatment for Advanced Endometrial Cancer: The Phase III DUO-E Trial

Initial results from the DUO-E study in metastatic endometrial cancer. The preliminary report suggests that maintenance durvalumab and maintenance durvalumab + olaparib were superior to standard observation after systemic carbo/taxol. As the trial data matures, the question will be: is this in all patients or driven by those with dMMR or HDR mutations?

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Pembrolizumab plus Chemotherapy in Advanced Endometrial Cancer

Large phase III study of carbo/taxol+pembro x 6 followed by pembro alone x 14 cycles in metastatic endometrial cancer. There was a benefit in both pMMR and dMMR patients, although the magnitude was unsurprisingly higher in those with dMMR. OS results are still pending, and carcinosarcoma-type histology was excluded. This combination has been approved and is on NCCN as a cat-1 recommendation.

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Pembrolizumab plus Chemotherapy in Advanced Endometrial Cancer

Chemo + IO may become the SOC for 1L treatment of met-endometrial adenoCa. For pembro + chemo, there was a 70% lower risk of disease progression in dMMR and a 46% lower risk in pMMR compared to placebo + chemo. For pMMR patients, the impact on 2L therapy responses will need to be considered carefully, as lenvantinib + pembro has been found to be superior to either agent alone after chemo.

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