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Temporary treatment cessation versus continuation of first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor in patients with advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma (STAR): an open-label, non-inferiority, randomised, controlled, phase 2/3 trial

An intriguing study from the UK, patients had 24 weeks of sunitinib or pazopanib followed by a continuation or treatment holiday. Non-inferiority could not be established, but there was seemingly no meaningful reduction in OS (28 vs. 27 months overall), with a noticeable improvement in toxicity in the treatment break group. This may be a realistic strategy for patients with a focus on QOL or cost-effectiveness.

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Pembrolizumab versus placebo as post-nephrectomy adjuvant therapy for clear cell renal cell carcinoma (KEYNOTE-564): 30-month follow-up analysis of a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial

Pembrolizumab remains the only adjuvant option for high risk RCC after curative surgery. The OS curves seem to be beginning to separate and hope to be positive with longer f/u.  The ongoing Durvalumab + Tremilumumab will be an interesting adjuvant study for RCC when the results are available.

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