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Bladder-Sparing Treatment With Radical Dose Radiotherapy Is an Effective Alternative to Radical Cystectomy in Patients With Clinically Node-Positive Nonmetastatic Bladder Cancer

The poor OS of 1.5 years in node-positive patients is striking in this retrospective review of 287 patients treated with definitive intent. The OS was not different between those treated with TURBT + chemoradiation vs. chemotherapy + radical cystectomy, suggesting that surgery may not be superior to multi-modal therapy and QOL may be superior in a non-operative approach.

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Radical cystectomy versus trimodality therapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a multi-institutional propensity score matched and weighted analysis

Retrospective review showing equivocal outcomes in cT2-T4N0 patients treated with radical cystectomy vs TURBT + chemoradiation. There were similar rates of neoadjuvant chemotherapy being given in both groups. Based on prospective data, the SOC remains cisplatin-based neoadjuvant chemo followed by radical cystectomy; however, trimodality therapy may not have worse outcomes, and it would be great to see a prospective head-to-head study.

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