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Durable Responses With Mosunetuzumab in Relapsed/Refractory Indolent and Aggressive B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas: Extended Follow-Up of a Phase I/II Study

Mosunetuzumab has an impressive response rate and durability of response in heavily pre-treated patients with B-cell NHL. This was presented at our webinar on August 7, 2024 by the cellular therapy team, slides are available upon request. We have this drug available at select sites within our practice so please contact us if you have a patient in mind.

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Recent Bendamustine Treatment Before Apheresis Has a Negative Impact on Outcomes in Patients With Large B-Cell Lymphoma Receiving Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy

This gives more credence to the idea of avoiding bendamustine before CAR T therapy. Patients exposed to bendamustine had about a 20% lower overall response rate (ORR), 50% shorter progression-free survival (PFS) and >50% shorter overall survival (OS) compared to those who were bendamustine naive. Although other factors may also play a role here, these seem to be significant differences and should make it clear that one should not use this drug before pursuing CAR T therapy.

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Lenalidomide plus rituximab for the initial treatment of frail older patients with DLBCL: the FIL_ReRi phase 2 study

There are too many options for DLBCL now with monoclonal antibodies, bispecific and CAR-T therapy, but in frail patients, this might be an option. Tafatistamab with lenalidomide had higher ORR (55vs 50) and CR( 37 vs 27%) but this is comparing different trials, and this trial had mostly elderly pts, I do feel tafatistamab is fairly well tolerated though. But when in doubt this seems to be a fair option.

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