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Phase II Trial of Atezolizumab Combined With Carboplatin and Pemetrexed for Patients With Advanced Nonsquamous Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer With Untreated Brain Metastases (Atezo-Brain, GECP17/05)

A nicely done Spanish study showing that in metastatic NSCLC, asymptomatic patients with brain metastases can have radiation therapy deferred.
Starting with systemic therapy was found to be reasonable and effective, validating a common practice. Patients were treated with atezolizumab + carboplatin + pemetrexed + steroids, and any number of brain mets was allowed as long as they had at least one 10mm in size or greater. This study excluded patients harboring EGFR/ALK driver mutations.

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Eltrombopag for Low-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes With Thrombocytopenia: Interim Results of a Phase II, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial (EQOL-MDS)

This great Italian study uses eltrombopag in patients with low/intermediate risk MDS. The intervention arm had significantly fewer minor bleeding events and better platelet counts that were durable. Those with higher baseline Hb’s seemed to respond better to therapy, particularly if the Hb was >8g/dL. AML evolution/blast progression was not more common in the treatment arm, which refutes some prior concerns.

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Bladder-Sparing Treatment With Radical Dose Radiotherapy Is an Effective Alternative to Radical Cystectomy in Patients With Clinically Node-Positive Nonmetastatic Bladder Cancer

The poor OS of 1.5 years in node-positive patients is striking in this retrospective review of 287 patients treated with definitive intent. The OS was not different between those treated with TURBT + chemoradiation vs. chemotherapy + radical cystectomy, suggesting that surgery may not be superior to multi-modal therapy and QOL may be superior in a non-operative approach.

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First-line cemiplimab monotherapy and continued cemiplimab beyond progression plus chemotherapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with PD-L1 50% or more (EMPOWER-Lung 1): 35-month follow-up from a mutlicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial

The EMPOWER-Lung1 study looked at patients with metastatic NSCLC and PDL1 expression >= 50%, randomized to cemiplimab vs. chemo; no surprise, the benefit was significant in the CPI therapy group. Interestingly, they allow the patients on the CPI arm to have chemo added at the time of progression, which would be a different approach. We should see more results on this as follow-up matures.

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Cytoreductive surgery with or without hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with advanced ovarian cancer (OVHIPEC-1): final survival analysis of a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial

The final results from the OVHIPEC1 study confirm a survival benefit in stage III epithelial ovarian cancers. The OS benefit was about 12 months, and the PFS benefit was four months in favor of CRS + HIPEC compared to CRS alone. This should be offered to patients in the context of definitive surgery.

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