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Perioperative Pembrolizumab for Early-Stage Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Neoadjuvant Pembro+chemo followed by surgery and adjuvant pembro had a superior PFS and pCR rate compared to neoadjuvant chemo followed by surgery. PCR rates were 30 vs. 11%, and PFS rates at 24 months were 62 vs. 41%, in the chemoIO vs. chemo alone groups, respectively. Still, OS was not significantly different, and this has yet to make it onto NCCN.

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Vorasidenib in IDH1- or IDH2-Mutant Low-Grade Glioma

Nice, targeted option to consider in an otherwise limited therapeutic menu. It should be considered in patients with grade 2 glioma who have disease progression after surgery and could be pursued off-label in higher-grade cases with a positive IDH mutation. SEs were like other IDH inhibitors.

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Pembrolizumab plus Chemotherapy in Advanced Endometrial Cancer

Large phase III study of carbo/taxol+pembro x 6 followed by pembro alone x 14 cycles in metastatic endometrial cancer. There was a benefit in both pMMR and dMMR patients, although the magnitude was unsurprisingly higher in those with dMMR. OS results are still pending, and carcinosarcoma-type histology was excluded. This combination has been approved and is on NCCN as a cat-1 recommendation.

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Dose-Escalated Radiotherapy Alone or in Combination With Short-Term Androgen Deprivation for Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer: Results of a Phase III Multi-Institutional Trial

Large phase III study showing short-term ADT + EBRT did not show an improvement in OS compared to EBRT alone. There was an improvement in PSA failure, metastasis rates and prostate cancer-related deaths. If used, SADT+EBRT should be highly individualized, preferably in patients with longer life expectancies and higher SE risk tolerance.

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Radical cystectomy versus trimodality therapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a multi-institutional propensity score matched and weighted analysis

Retrospective review showing equivocal outcomes in cT2-T4N0 patients treated with radical cystectomy vs TURBT + chemoradiation. There were similar rates of neoadjuvant chemotherapy being given in both groups. Based on prospective data, the SOC remains cisplatin-based neoadjuvant chemo followed by radical cystectomy; however, trimodality therapy may not have worse outcomes, and it would be great to see a prospective head-to-head study.

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Perioperative Nivolumab and Chemotherapy in Stage III Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

The NADIM-II study looked at perioperative Nivo+chemo vs. chemo alone in stIIIA – stIIIB NSCLC. High pCR rates with chemoIO are again seen, as in the Checkmate 816 and NADIM-I study, they were even higher in this cohort (37%), suggesting higher-stage patients derive the biggest benefit from neoadjuvant chemoIO. Pretty impressive results, however, I still must point out that this was a phase II study with a small sample size, OS benefits have not been demonstrated and this has yet to make it on to NCCN.

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