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Long-Term Outcomes and Genetic Predictors of Response to Metastasis-Directed Therapy Versus Observation in Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer: Analysis of STOMP and ORIOLE Trials

Another use of genomic testing in prostate cancer, pts with high risk mutation may need systemic therapy  in addition to oligometastatic stereotactic radiotherapy, well informed patients with no high risk mutation signature may elect to go under surveillance to avoid side effects of androgen deprivation therapy,  this also emphasizes the importance of genomic testing in personalizing pt’s care.

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COAST: An Open-Label, Phase II, Multidrug Platform Study of Durvalumab Alone or in Combination With Oleclumab or Monalizumab in Patients With Unresectable, Stage III Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Oleclumab (MEDI9447) is a human IgG1λ mAb that inhibits the function of cluster of differentiation 73 (CD73).8 CD73 is an enzyme found on the surfaces of cancer and immune cells and is involved in conversion of adenosine monophosphate to extracellular adenosine, which has an immunosuppressive effect on the tumor environment.9 CD73 upregulation by tumors has been shown to increase extracellular adenosine production and result in subsequent local immunosuppression in multiple canc

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