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Neoadjuvant Nivolumab plus Chemotherapy in Resectable Lung Cancer

This is a potential practice-changing study. Future data on overall-survival (OS) will be important to confirm results. Patient selection will also evolve over time especially in real-world practice. I presume more patients with stage II/III will get neoadjuvant therapy as opposed to a patient with a small lung nodule (stage I) taken to surgery, unless if there is significant OS for early stage patients as well.

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Teclistamab in Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma

The Bi-specific antibody era has started full-force with impressive results and reasonable toxicities, in different hematological neoplasms. Community oncology adoption of Bi-specific antibody will be successful, once standard operating procedures are in place, and multidisciplinary training takes place insofar as management of CRS.  I am optimistic as to the uptake of this class of drugs in 1-2 years, pending payer coverage issues.

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