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Efficacy and Safety of Aspirin for Primary Cardiovascular Risk Prevention in Younger and Older Age: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of 173,810 Subjects from 21 Randomized Studies

The debate insofar as aspirin in primary prevention of death has raged for decades. This very large study demonstrates potential benefit for younger population (7% benefit), but in general there is no significant impact in all-cause mortality and risk of major bleeding was noticeable. In my opinion, it is reasonable to consider low dose aspirin for individuals 50-60 years of age, especially with risk factors for CV disease.

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Impact of Co-pay Assistance on Patient, Clinical, and Economic Outcomes

Here we see a review of literature assessing the impact of patient assistance programs on outcomes broadly in cancer care. While indirect links may be drawn between the prevalence of financial toxicities and outcomes, adherence, etc., additional research studies are needed to more clearly demonstrate the tangible impact of these programs to support future investments from stakeholders.

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Everybody’s Talking About Value-Based Health Care. Here’s What They’re Not Saying.

Thought-provoking oped highlighting the underbelly of buzzwords in healthcare today. The shift from volume to value that we’ve seen unfold over the past 3-5 years has moved front and center in many conversations, yet remains elusive insofar as its definition and implementation. This article rightly calls out that value is ultimately in the eye of the beholder, and yet there’s no disputing that doing what’s right for the patient trumps all.

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CALGB 40603 (Alliance): Long-Term Outcomes and Genomic Correlates of Response and Survival After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy With or Without Carboplatin and Bevacizumab in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

The difference in CR vs RD rates with addition of carboplatin or bevacizumab was quite impressive. It is likely that the study was simply not powered to measure other endpoints. While LTOs were not improved, pCR was associated with superior LTOs. Biological markers of response are very interesting and may help us tailor specific therapies in the future.

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