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Prognostic value of minimal residual disease negativity in myeloma: combined analysis of POLLUX, CASTOR, ALCYONE, and MAIA

MRD status in MM has unquestionable prognostic informational value, however many questions remain as how to address positive / negative MRD results. Should we de-escalate or stop Rx? When? Can we escalate Rx if + MRD? Which regimen, how long? It will be another few years till objective data are available. I do see value in at least having identification of clonality established upfront for tracking.

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Effect of Capecitabine Maintenance Therapy Plus Best Supportive Care vs Best Supportive Care Alone on Progression-Free Survival Among Patients With Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Who Had Received Induction Chemotherapy

Given relatively low-toxicities of capecitabine, it is reasonable to consider it especially in a population with fewer comorbidities and preserved performance-status. More data pertaining OS differences will be welcome. Study is relatively small but not unusual for this diagnosis.

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Support Services for Patients with Cancer Must Go Beyond Simply Building a HUB

With the rapid adoption of technology, digital solutions and new modalities in the wake of COVID-19, cancer patients and extended care teams have a plethora of resources geared towards improving access, reducing financial toxicity and easing the burden of navigation. And yet, many remain lost within the labyrinth of information overload. This article highlights the increasing need to go beyond HUB services and a convener approach, and instead look to root causes with the patient at the center.

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